Custom Orthotics are specialized insole devices that correct or modify how the foot functions. When orthotics are placed into a shoe, they keep the foot properly aligned and can redistribute the weight placed on the foot to change its function, protect the foot, or both. Orthotics help patients live an active life and minimize foot, ankle, and even back pain. While over-the-counter products are available, the most effective are custom made orthotics. A mold or cast is created to replicate the shape of your foot so the orthotics work precisely with your uniquely individual foot structure. The orthotics are then specially created in a laboratory to correct misalignments and deformities so that when the Custom made Orthotics are placed into your shoes, your feet are perfectly aligned.
How does Custom Orthotics Work?
Custom made orthotics are designed to control how your foot reacts with each step to assimilate shock. As the body shifts its weight while walking or running, the foot absorbs the pressure. The stress can create abnormalities in the foot that can cause foot, knee, hip and lower back pain. Custom made orthotics change how the foot interacts when striking the ground, redistributing weight to protect sensitive areas of the foot. Reducing stress in the foot can prevent future deformities and pain. Different types of materials are used to construct custom made orthotics, depending on the patient’s needs. They can be constructed to fit a variety of shoe sizes and styles. Rigid orthotics are used mainly for walking or dress shoes. They control motion in the two major foot joints that lie directly below the ankle joint and are usually made of a firm material such as plastic or carbon fiber. Soft Custom orthotics help absorb shock, increase balance, and take pressure off painful areas of the foot. They are especially effective for patients with diabetes, arthritis, or deformed feet. Soft custom orthotics are usually made of soft, cushioned materials that will protect the foot from stress. A semi-rigid orthotic helps correct foot balance for walking or participating in sports. They are typically made of layers of soft material but reinforced with more rigid materials for support. They are often used by athletes to reduce pain when they train and compete.